ASK IT is honored to be one of the companies to be awarded the 2023 Best SME’s Award from The Hong Kong General Chamber in recognition of our continued efforts to strife for excellency, as well as continuously looking for ways to enhance our customer satisfaction.
An in-person Award Ceremony and Annual Dinner was held on June 27th, 2023, where an “Award Feeling” video featuring our CEO will be broadcasted during the event, and later be uploaded to the HKGCSMB Facebook page and YouTube.
We are proud to receive this award and we will use this achievement as motivation to continue to improve and grow.
Background of the Award
Since 2006, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business Limited has been organizing The Best SME’s Award every year. This award was created to push the continued development of Hong Kong’s small and medium businesses, along with commending and providing public recognition to those who have shown exceptional entrepreneurship spirit and their contribution to society.