
NTL stands for “Never Too Late.” This pioneering Hong Kong social enterprise supports women over 45 re-entering the workforce. NTL advocates for the slash work model, allowing women to seamlessly integrate career goals with family and personal commitments.

Under the uncertain situation of the global market, many businesses are facing a tough time. Luckily ASK IT’s Business as Usual.  You may wonder why? Honestly our Digital Marketing Strategy and Laptop Program help us a lot in this period.

The first thing we did when establishing ASK IT is our website. We believe that a good website with SEO definitely benefits the business and branding.  On the other hand, all of our colleagues will get a company laptop from their first day of working. A laptop with a cloud drive allows us to work anytime anywhere. The online inquiries we got recently prove that our decision is right.

In the light of our success, our management is invited to deliver a series of management training to a NGO which doing elderly service about the use of technology in their daily operation. Digitization can’t be ignored in any industries. To encourage their continued practice, we donated a few tablets to the NGO after training. We hope that they will gain sustainable improvement.

If you are interested in our training or service, drop us your message anytime.


在全球市場不明朗的情況下,許多企業都面臨艱難的時刻。幸好 ASK IT 一切如常。 您可能會好奇為什麼?老實說,我們的數位行銷策略和筆電計畫在這段期間幫了我們很大的忙。

ASK IT 成立之初,我們做的第一件事就是我們的網站。我們相信一個有 SEO 的好網站絕對有利於業務和品牌的建立。 另一方面,我們所有的同仁從第一天上班開始,就會得到一台公司的筆記型電腦。配備雲端硬碟的筆記型電腦讓我們可以隨時隨地工作。最近收到的線上詢問證明我們的決定是正確的。

有鑑於我們的成功,我們的管理階層受邀為一家提供長者服務的 NGO 提供一系列的管理訓練,教導他們如何在日常運作中運用科技。數位化在任何產業都不容忽視。為了鼓勵他們持續實踐,我們在培訓結束後捐贈了幾台平板電腦給非政府組織。我們希望他們能獲得持續的進步。
