


電腦租借 provide laptops from top brands like Dell, HP, and ASUS. With our Laptop Rental options, you can also bundle your rental with Microsoft Office installation, headsets, and delivery services for added convenience.

Flexible Support Options to Fit Your Budget for Laptop Rentals
We understand that every business has unique IT needs and budgetary constraints. ASK IT offers a variety of flexible engagement models to ensure you receive the optimal level of support within your budget. Our predictable monthly IT support packages provide peace of mind and budget stability.

  • Onsite Support
    Our engineers can be stationed at your office to provide immediate technical assistance.

  • Remote Support
    Receive prompt and efficient IT assistance from anywhere through our secure remote support platform.

  • Resident Support
    Tailor a resident support plan with an ASK IT engineer dedicated to your company for a predetermined period.

Unique Approach: IT & HR SYNERGY

What sets ASK IT apart is our integrated approach. We provide Intelligent Talent and Information Technology, HR x IT combined solution with Attitude, Skill and Knowledge. This allows us to streamline your operations, optimize workflows, and empower your workforce like never before.

Award Winning Culture: Happy & Share

Employee happiness is the key to high customer satisfaction and referral as we believe that happy employees provide happy services to make our clients happy.

Our core value “Happy & Share” does not only help us build good relationships with our clients and employees for sustainable success but also enhances our corporate image as a happy company awarded by “The Happiest SME to Work For Award” and “Happy Workplace Appreciation” for numbers of consecutive years.

IT 培訓 | 電腦租借 | IT Training | HR Outsourcing | HR 外判 | IT Outsourcing | IT 外判 | Business Process Outsourcing | ASK IT Limited
電腦租借 | IT & HR Solution


我們的 IT 設備 / 筆記型電腦租賃計劃可為企業提供具成本效益的技術解決方案,讓企業在短期專案中取得所需的 IT 設備,而無需承擔大筆前期成本。這種靈活的方式可讓企業根據需要調整技術需求,專注於核心營運


  • 根據您的需求選擇全新 IT 設備或幾乎全新的筆記型電腦/筆記型電腦(任何型號/品牌)並下訂單
  • 享受低於市價 50% 的價格
  • 當筆記型電腦/筆記型電腦功能失效時,可立即更換


  • 讓您的筆記型電腦/筆記型電腦準備好使用 Microsoft Office,例如 Word、PowerPoint、Excel
  • 透過 Office 365 電子郵件和 Share Drive 在雲端存取您的資料

  • 隨時隨地使用筆記型電腦/筆記型電腦和智慧型手機工作


  • Avast 防毒保護
  • 網頁寄存、網域註冊、技術支援


  • 節省高達 50% 的資本支出,用於賺取利潤的項目上
  • 按使用量付費的模式可以更好地控制成本
  • 可隨時使用 MS Office、電子郵件和 Share Drive 備份您的筆記簿
  • 當故障發生時,可立即更換和維護,而且您的寶貴資料都在雲端,無後顧之憂
  • HP、SONY、Lenovo、ASUS、DELL 等所有品牌均可滿足您的預算。
  • Office 365 雲端的資料存取可讓您毫無後顧之憂地變更、停止服務

除了筆記型電腦之外,我們也可依需求提供伺服器等 IT 設備與儲存設備的租借服務

IT Outsourcing | IT 外判 | HR Outsourcing | HR 外判 | Notebook/Laptop Rental | Business Process Outsourcing | 業務流程外判