外判服務商 您值得信賴的全球在地外判服務商
Boost your business growth with ASK IT, a fast-growing Hong Kong service provider of comprehensive outsourcing solutions. We empower organizations of all sizes to achieve operational excellence through a talented workforce and innovative strategies.
Flexible Support Options to Fit your Budget 外判服務商
We understand that every business has unique IT needs and budgetary constraints. ASK IT offers a variety of flexible engagement models to ensure you receive the optimal level of support within your budget by our predictable monthly IT support packages provide peace of mind and budget stability.
- Onsite Support: Our engineers can be stationed at your office to provide immediate technical assistance.
- Remote Support: Receive prompt and efficient IT assistance from anywhere through our secure remote support platform.
- Resident Support: Tailor a resident support plan with an engineer dedicated to your company for a predetermined period.
Unique Approach:外判服務商
What sets ASK IT apart is our integrated approach. We provide Intelligent Talent and Information Technology, HR x IT combined solution with Attitude, Skill and Knowledge. This allows us to streamline your operations, optimize workflows, and empower your workforce like never before.
- HR Solutions (link to HRO): Digitalize HR Process + Exclusive People Caring + Large Talent Pool
- IT Outsourcing (link to ITO): Diversified IT Professionals + Professional Training + Equipment Leasing
- Business Process Outsourcing (link to BPO): Ease your operation burden by our team of experts with digital tools to improve efficiency and reduce costs
Award Winning Culture: 外判服務商 Happy & Share
Employee happiness is the key to high customer satisfaction and referral as we believe that happy employees provide happy services to make our clients happy.
Our core value “Happy & Share” does not only help us build good relationships with our clients and employees for sustainable success but also enhances our corporate image as a happy company awarded by “The Happiest SME to Work For Award” and “Happy Workplace Appreciation” for numbers of consecutive years.
CSR Commitment: ESG Certificate
In terms of company operations, we commit to taking substantial action in areas of ESG – environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance by promoting paperless office, offering scholarships to young IT students, joining the HKIHRM as corporate member to regularly sharing industry knowledge and so on.
Our contributions are recognized by the “ESG Charter” from the Chamber of Commerce. We will continue to do better and go further.
We combine industry expertise with intelligent solutions to tackle your unique challenges and propel you forward.
與 ASK IT 一起促進您的業務成長,ASK IT 是一家快速發展的香港綜合外判服務商。我們透過才華洋溢的員工團隊和創新策略,幫助各種規模的組織實現卓越營運。
Chaerin Park 來自南韓的 IT 顧問
作為一名海外借調員工,我從未感到孤立無援。ASK IT 的每個人都互相關心,讓我感到溫暖!招聘人員考慮了我的優勢和工作經驗,為我提供了一份完美的工作。我會推薦我的朋友到ASK IT工作,因為這是一家充滿愛心的公司!
謝先生 來自本地領先 ICT 企業的 IT 服務經理
我非常感謝 ASK IT 提供的卓越 IT 外包服務。他們的員工樂於助人,積極幫助每一位最終用戶。他們以專業和承諾提供優質的服務,得到了我們團隊和客戶的認可。我們很高興與他們合作
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Leo Wong IT 支援 電子工程師
ASK IT 的招聘人員努力為我找工作,很快我就在這裡開始了畢業後的第一份工作。最初的合約結束後,我很快就找到了 ASK IT 的另一份匹配工作。雖然我是借調員工,但他們每年都會邀請我參加聚餐,讓我覺得自己被融入其中。我會向朋友推薦這家公司,因為我有很好的經驗。
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曹 Sir 香港專業進修學校 (HKCT) 講師
ASK IT 自 2021 年起為我們的學生提供獎學金,目的是表揚學生的努力,並為培育香港的資訊科技業作出貢獻。作為教育的貢獻者,我們非常感謝 ASK IT 的支持。
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Murphy Lai 我們的董事
身為首席快樂官 (CHO),就是要有親和力和創造力。我們以同事的快樂為優先。我們的斜線計劃讓所有年齡層的人都能在工作之餘追求自己的夢想。我相信快樂的員工可以吸引快樂的客戶。
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Marcus Sim 實習生
過去兩個夏天,我在 ASK IT 獲得了一次很棒的實習經驗。公司友善、無憂無慮的工作環境讓我很容易融入並向每個人敞開心扉。辦公室文化非常積極和關懷。尤其是當我有任何問題時,總是有人照顧我或幫助我。我也非常喜歡我們在辦公時間和辦公時間之外進行的團隊建立活動,例如運動會和秘密天使。感謝大家為我提供瞭如此美好的實習經驗以及在實習中獲得的知識。
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