As one of the supportive corporations, ASK IT participated in the Launch Ceremony of the Tithe Ethical Consumption Movement 2019 (TECM 2019), organized by the Fullness Social Enterprises Society (FSES) and sponsored by the Home Affairs Bureau on 20 September 2019. Notably, the theme for this year is “Different Consumption, Different World,” and we are honored that Miss Kelly Chen, a “Diva of Asia,” volunteered to be the Ambassador of the Tithe Ethical Consumption Movement.
In addition, ASK IT is enthusiastic about promoting the Tithe Ethical Consumption Movement 2019, and we are actively introducing this initiative to our customers and staff. Moreover, this movement will be launched from September to December, featuring a series of events and campaigns designed to raise awareness and support for the sustainability of social entrepreneurship in Hong Kong. Specifically, the program aims to enhance the notion of “10% Swap for Good,” encouraging consumers, corporations, educational institutions, and organizations to make socially conscious choices by patronizing the products and services of social enterprises (SEs).
Ultimately, together we can make a significant impact on our community.
NTL stands for “Never Too Late.” This pioneering Hong Kong social enterprise supports women over 45 re-entering the workforce. NTL advocates for the slash work model, allowing women to seamlessly integrate career goals with family and personal commitments.
ASK IT在2019年9月20日參加了「2019十一良心消費運動啓動禮」,今年主題是「以消費改變世界」,香港著名藝人陳慧琳小姐擔任「十一良心消費大使」。
「十一良心消費運動」是由豐盛社企學會(FSES)舉辦,民政事務局贊助,共有180多家社會企業和80多家私人機構參與,希望藉著推廣本地 社企服務 和產品,讓大家對 社企 加深認識,也鼓勵大家身體力行,以日常消費十分之一光顧 社企 ,以消費幫助弱勢社群,對 社會 及企業都可帶來正面影響。
「十一良心消費運動」推動商社合作,ASK IT作為商界代表,也是支持機構之一,積極參與推動商社合作,與社企建立更緊密的互助關係。因為我們相信支持社會企業 ,鼓勵良心消費,商業機構也能更有效地運用資源,回饋社會,幫助弱勢,改善社會發展。