UST 戲劇協會

NTL : Empowering women to re-enter the workforce UST 戲劇協會

During the hot summer of 2021, ASK IT has sponsored the drama “Lop-ear” by the Drama Society of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. We are so proud to be involved in such an event which was constructed by young’s sweat and tear. As our director, Murphy Lai always quote, “If we don’t have any dream in life, we’ll look like a salted fish.”.  

Some say summer tastes sweet, some say it tastes bitter. In the drama they say it’s the taste of blood rust. But we say it’s the taste of young energy. Looking at the student playing so hard in the drama, that’s the first word that came into our mind. And it reminds us that, sharing will always lead to happiness.  

The drama is a story about the journey of redemption and discovering the true self of the characters. The title “Lop-ear” of the drama, Scottish Fold is a cute but pitiable species. Like the minorities in society, sometimes it’s hard for them to face their true feelings due to the pain. In the drama, the students introduced a new experience to audiences to let them choose the ending by voting between “Redemption” and “Destruction”.  

The students from the UST Drama Society give us a surprise by showing their creativity and attitude in the drama. It’s always a correct choice to support such kind of energetic youngers. And we wish everyone can have a bright future and have even greater success! 

NTL stands for “Never Too Late.” This pioneering Hong Kong social enterprise supports women over 45 re-entering the workforce. NTL advocates for the slash work model, allowing women to seamlessly integrate career goals with family and personal commitments.

UST 戲劇協會: 「Lop-ear”,由 ASK IT 贊助

在 2021 年炎炎夏日,ASK IT 贊助了香港科技大學戲劇協會的話劇 「Lop-ear」。我們很榮幸能夠參與這樣一個由年輕人的汗水與心血所構成的活動。正如我們的導演 Murphy Lai 常說的一句話:「如果人生沒有夢想,我們就會像一條鹹魚」。


戲劇是一個關於人物救贖與發現真我旅程的故事。劇名「羅耳」,蘇格蘭摺耳貓是一種可愛卻又可憐的物種。就像社會上的少數族裔一樣,有時因為痛苦,他們很難面對自己的真實情感。在劇中,學生們為觀眾帶來了全新的體驗,讓觀眾在 「救贖 」與 「毀滅 」中投票選擇結局。
